Manuals and handbooks

Guide to the Treaty Bodies

ISHR's Simple Guide to the UN Treaty Bodies  provides human rights defenders and NGOs with a broad overview of the UN human rights treaty body system and its functions to support their effective engagement with the treaty bodies.

The Guide also contains other information that defenders may find useful, such as the relationship between the treaty bodies and other UN human rights mechanisms, relevant developments related to the harmonisation of the working methods of the treaty bodies, and a glossary and e-resources for further reference.

Reprisals Handbook

ISHR’s Reprisals Handbook is a guide for human rights defenders who are at risk of, or who have been subject to, intimidation or reprisals in connection with their work to promote human rights at the international or regional levels.

The Handbook provides practical information and advice as to how human rights defenders can use international and regional human rights mechanisms to protect against reprisals or to seek accountability where they occur.

Guide to Domestic Implementation of UN Human Rights Recommendations

ISHR, in partnership with the Human Rights Law Centre, has produced a Guide for Human Rights Defenders on Domestic Implementation of UN Human Rights Recommendations.

The Guide considers strategies and tactics that NGOs can use to contribute to the implementation of UN recommendations at the national level. Effective follow-up by civil society is vital to ensuring that UN recommendations lead to an improvement of the human rights situation on the ground.