Human rights defenders at risk: Challenges and lessons learned from Honduras


Wednesday 21 March 
Room XXV
Palais des Nations, Geneva

In November 2017, general government elections took place in Honduras. A series of irregularities led large sectors of the population to question the credibility of the process and to mobilise on the streets in defense of democracy. 

In response, the government declared a state of emergency and agents of the National Police, the Military Police of the Public Order and the Army were deployed throughout the country, using excessive force. Serious violations of human rights took place. During those days, human rights defenders, journalists and social communicators continued to work under high-risk conditions.

What were the facts? What challenges do human rights defenders currently face in order to recover the full exercise of their rights in conditions of security? What are the lessons learned for the countries of Central America and other regions of the world?

Based on the analysis of the facts (1), a conversation between international observers and human rights defenders who have experienced this situation directly seeks to answer these questions.


  • Anabella Sibrián, Director of the International Platform against Impunity


  • María Soledad Pazo, Representative of the OHCHR in Honduras
  • Hedme Castro, Director of ACI-Participa
  • Edy Tábora, Director of C-Libre and member of  Coalition Against Impunity
  • Helen Nolan, International Service for Human Rights

This event is organised by the International Platform Against Impunity. 
Languages: English and Spanish. Attendance with UN identification pass only.

[1] Naciones Unidas Derechos Humanos, Oficina del Alto Comisionado.  Las violaciones a los derechos humanos en el contexto de las elecciones de 2017 en Honduras. Tegucigalpa, 2018.

Photo by Sasha Maksymenko